Save Backup from Stories — HTML Pack Imagesaver

Barnabás Nagy
2 min readDec 22, 2020

It is always advisable to have a backup from your own Stories. Unfortunatelly, there is no one stop or even automated backup method by, so let’s see a workaround.

We will use the’s ‘Download your information’ feature to save all our posts as backups, but that doesn’t includes the pictures — so this is only the first step to make a proper backup.

Click on Settings in’s user menu:

Select Account, then click on the button ‘’ at the Download your information section:

Click on Export on the next page. needs 1–2 days to send all the data in archive zips to your mail address. Check your mailbox you should receive a mail with link where you can actually download the zip package:

The downloaded zip file is actually a pack of HTML files. The problem is, the images are missing from the archive — so it is not a proper full backup of your Stories yet. To make it complete, let’s download all the images with my script HTML Pack Image Saver.

It requires Python 3, if you don’t have, install it from here.

Install the HTML Pack Image Saver via pip:

python -m pip install HTMLPackImagesaver

Run it as following:

python -m HTMLPackImagesaver

select the downloaded zip from medium:

Then the script check all html files in the zip, download the images and replace the image tags in the html files with the local url of the images:

The result is the original zip file with images in Image folders. E.g. see the posts folder inside the zip:



Barnabás Nagy

I’m an intl PM in localization, BI Developer and a certified Google Professional Data Engineer. My hobby projects: Data apps, open source apps and DIY stuffs